Friday, July 31, 2009

You and I

you talk a lot about your future
well there's only so much you can say
you're always dreamin' of tomorrow when
you're never dealing with today

are you gonna let life pass you by
are you gonna make a mark before you die
are you gonna do the things you want to do before you're through

it's time to make a decision, to be the person that you want to be
all you need is a vision, and in a little bit of time you'll see
you're undcr no supervision, you are the only one who holds the key

And you are you, and I am me

Monday, July 27, 2009

Butter, the other sister

Have you ever wondered if you had a twin? Lost at the hospital in the 1970's, wandering the world as your unknown other. Cindy wondered this a lot. And for good reason. Because it was true. She met her twin purely by accident at the Sun Valley Mall food court. Cindy had been enjoying an afternoon of sock shopping when she decided to treat herself to an Orange Julius. As she approached the counter she felt an odd tingling sensation in her middle. Just then it happened. She came face to face with the girl she would come to know as Butter, her long lost twin. T'was lucky for Butter because she was diseased with a terminal kidney thingy, and Cindy was able to donate her Bean and save Butter.

Let's just say that when I approach Heretic working behind the counter of an Orange Julius, I get a tingle in my middle. And if Heretic ever needed a kidney thingy, I'd be the first in line. Cause we're family. Twins of seven if your Christian.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


We all signed on to this unbelievable partnership because we had and have a seemingly limitless faith in one another, and that is beautiful. What we are all learning (the easy and the hard ways) is that to be the group we are destined to be, each and every one of us has to have that same limitless faith in him/herself. Not a one of us is guaranteed a future because of any affiliation we may have. We each bring something necessary and unique to every figurative table we approach, but we can only contribute what we have if we have access to it. That access comes from faith that you are exactly who are supposed to be with all the talent and know-how you could ever need. That initial leap of faith we took must be reaffirmed on an individual basis as often as is needed until that faith becomes as natural as breathing.

It's wonderful to be grateful for the people in your life. It is essential to be grateful for who you are. For all the frustration I feel at times, I wouldn't choose to be anyone else but me. Now that I know that and can admit to it freely, it's my job to be an even more fabulous and unstoppable me every day.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

What's with "today"... today?

Dear adoring public,
Yay Saturday! I'm sitting here vibing after some good coffee and watching the amazing Terminator, The (1984), starring our esteemed Governator himself, pondering life and what's going on around me.
This week was a great week. I met and spoke with lots of people on potential projects and collaborations, some more promising than others but such is the way of things... I mean AMIRITE??? So, as well as many more live performances and appearances from your favorite degenerates, expect lots more from us on film and video throughout the next few months!
The old cash-ola is our one and only hurdle right now, but if I learned anything from Kevin Costner it is that if you "build it, they will come." "They" being lots of greenbacks... and actually I think that was James Earl Jones character that said that.
On a separate note, I will be billed from now on as my full name. Ridiculously awesome, right? Anyway, I'm going to get back to vegging out with my lovely girlie and getting ready for another wonderful week with my 7 favorite people!
Love to all,
Jason Paul Lucas

Friday, July 24, 2009

On this morning of July 24, 2009, my head is racing with the changes that are going on in my life of only 22 years. I feel there are opportunities at my door step and all I have to do is pick them up and go with them. They promise a prosperous future. Not to mention that alot of people have faith in me. These opportunities though are basic ones, such as having my schooling completely paid for, living is a sweet location in San Francisco for a really cheap price, or having a nice car given to me so that i am able to get tasks done in my life with ease. Then there are opportunities walking up to my door step that ask for a leap of faith. Faith that I give whole heartedly and with pride. Of course, I am talking about Heretic, the one place I feel that dreams can come true. That sounded kinda lame, but is true. I have always been looked at by Heretic as much older than i am, but in the past this view has been mainly for acting. I know I am ready to take on more, but I have to let go of thought processes that don't allow me to be the person or partner I wish to be. I realized this last night during Heretics weekly meeting and it was comfirmed for me this morning when trying to help out in taking care of my niece. I was trying to get her to take a nap and she wasn't having it. I was willing to keep trying, but when Kyra (the regular babysitter) arrived I immidiately let my doubt kick in and I gave up and let Kyra get here to nap. Kyra, as well, had a problem getting her to sleep though. You see I want to help out with my niece more and gain a better relationship withe her, but I have to spend time with her, be patient, and NOT have doubt in my ability to take care of her. But my random appearences have conveyed a different message. Thats how I feel about the way I convey myself to the rest of the world, I let doubt in my opinion, my capability, and my joy in life and what i want to do, take to much say. More than that, I believe it is not even my doubt but my fear that others have doubt in me. That sounds so crazy, but it is really what I fear. Not only does it not matter what others think but if I actually don't have any doubt in myself then why do I let such a silly manifestation occur. Sigh.
So now I have to change my thought process but there is a whole bunch of arguing going on in my head with whether it is a good idea to be a little selfish and believe that my opinions not only matter but need to be heard. It is a crazy feeling I am getting used to but I know I will be ok with it. I am just excited to have a new faith in what I want and trust in my own ability to get it!
Thanks, Heretic for giving me a place to think and be heard:)
-Maria Bosque

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Have you ever lashed out at someone simply because they were there? Have you ever been mean to a service-person because you were having a bad day? Of course we all have!! I ask anyone who reads this to take a moment, take a deep breath and think about the energy you exude.

Heather D writes a poem, and Urn steals it and posts it on this blog

what's in a furnace? urn..
what's made of fern? urn
who took me undies? urn
who killed me baby? urn
what's your name? the name that god gave you? urn
who's the favorite cinderella character? urn..
yes... urn is many things as seem to be ... but there is only room for one urn for me.....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Weather, Bea Arthur & Trust

This is Clay here. It seems the Bay Area often functions as one big city, with people traveling daily from one end to the other and in circles within. It is not uncommon, for instance, for me to be in a place like Walnut Creek experiencing 103 degree weather in the early afternoon, and then to find myself a few hours later in San Francisco, freezing in a damp fog with the temperature at about 55 degrees. Sometimes I cry during all of this because I feel I should be raining...

That last part isn't true... but that's my prerogative.

I was going to begin a continuing story in this, my first blog. Instead I want to write briefly about Bea Arthur, who in my mind and my life, is a true legend of comedy and television. I remember getting a text that she had died, about 15 minutes before going on stage for a matinee of "Marsha Eats A Cake". We had a remarkably small audience that day. No joy! I remember thinking that if Bea had come that day (as if by magic) I would have been embarrassed.

Coincidentally, every day of my life since then has felt like a "new" time. As I'm sitting here now... the Golden Girls playing in the background, I like to think that Bea Arthur is with me. I like to think that she would approve of what I'm doing with my voice... but that she'd want me to have more courage with my art... or maybe just more trust in the universe. I'm sure that most dead people want us to have more faith in the universe... but I like to think that Bea Arthur is with me now... That is my point.

Also, a thought... It's amazing what we draw to us when we don't trust ourselves! Not the good king of amazing either.


Monday, July 20, 2009


Bathwater is dirty. That's what Mummy said as she submerged with my little brother. Well, I never wanted a little brother anyway. And so I grew up an orphan. Daddy had died in the great war. Not sure why I was left. Nun said my whole family was an abomination, but I stuck Nun with a knitting needle, and that shut her trap. Anyway I married a well to do sort of gentleman, and we had a few kids. I rarely thought about my childhood, but now, here on my deathbed, it occurs to me I ought to tell you. Really I thought I'd take this secret to my grave. I wouldn't have done it any differently. Not one bit.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A brief parable with a moral of sorts

Little Johnston Gammy was playing one day when he was suddenly stabbed in the tummy. It was awful. No one had intended for Johnston to get hurt. Perhaps it shouldn't have happened at all. Nonetheless, it did happen. The tip of the knife was broken off in little Johnston's tum, and he spent the next 20 years of his life living his life around that tender spot in his abdomen. He couldn't play rough with the other boys; he was always, on some level, aware of this injury he had suffered as a boy, and it dictated many of his decisions.

One day, Johnston decided he no longer wanted to be in pain. Until he realized this, he hadn't ever really considered it an option, living pain-free. He had the knife tip removed. He gave it some time to heal, which took about a week. From that point forward, Johnston's life was no longer hindered by a constant nagging pain. His thoughts and decisions were free to exist as they may, without heed paid to old injuries.

Question: What if Johnston had waited another 20 years?

Another question: Are there any old injuries dictating your life (or my life)? If given a chance to heal would it really take any longer than a week (or a day) to remove these old injuries as potential obstacles to happiness and fulfillment? Do we have another 20 years to wait to find out for sure?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sometimes it is so unbelievable to me to realize what my life has become. You hear about peoples dreams coming true and what they had to overcome to get to their goals, but it is a strange feeling to believe the possibilities of that happening to me. To be able to let go, for the first time, of all the standards that sociaty has given me. In letting go of these standards i have found a pathway to believing in my own talent and beauty. I Love the people I am working with and i am excited for how we will get to where we want to be. It will be hard and scary, I won't have that much money and we will come across very unlikable people, but i don't care because the reward is gonna be worth it!!!! YAHHHHHHHH well, it has been a long but good weekend, i love lamp i love lamp
- Maria Bosque

We delight in the inappropriate!

Welcome all to the Heretic Entertainment blog! This is where we'll be posting information and journal entries about what goes on with us here at Heretic Entertainment; entries about anything and everything including the creative process, upcoming shows, rants, and little tid bits of info about what really happens behind the curtain!

For more on us you can find us on Facebook, just search for Heretic Entertainment.
You can also follow us on Twitter at or check out our youtube page at We hope to be keeping you all entertained as we all get to know each other better!

The group that is now known as Heretic Entertainment was first established in 2003 by Ady Abbot and Clay Rosenthal to produce the works of writer/composer Clay Rosenthal. Having picked up many talented individuals along the way, Heretic has evolved itself more into a troupe than a theatre company. We are all very excited to move forward with that in mind, taking things in new directions, to new places, and finding new ways to be profoundly at odds with what is general accepted.